The spine is split into different sections: cervical,
thoracic and lumbar. This blog is going to focus on the thoracic spine, the
middle bit of your spine but upper part of your back. Now technically thoracic
pain can occur at any point during your pregnancy, but it tends to be more
common during the third and final trimester.
There can be many contributing factors to your pain. I have
mentioned the hormone relaxin on this blog many times; the one that relaxes
your ligaments and soft tissue. Unfortunately it is not a de-stress hormone. It
can sometimes be the cause of muscle spasm, as it makes the muscles work harder.
Other possible reasons for thoracic pain include:
- As the size of the baby and uterus increase, your centre of gravity is shifted forward, placing more pressure on your back muscles
- The extra weight gain can also put more stress on these muscles
- The enlargement of breast tissue can alter your posture and place strain on the neck, shoulders and thoracic spine
There are ways to treat it once it has occurred, but as the
saying goes, prevention is better then cure. Taking good care of your back is
fundamental to hopefully preventing back pain ever occurring.
When looking after your back it is always important to keep
it in a neutral position, when standing, sitting and even sleeping. When
standing, stand straight and tall with shoulders back and relaxed, and don’t
lock your knees. Use a wide stance and keep your weight evenly distributed
between your sides. If you are standing still for a prolonged time rest one
foot on a step stool and change feet regularly to change the weight distribution.
I often show my patients good sleeping positions. They can
use a lot of pillows so I hope your partners don’t get too angry with you. It
is recommended to sleep on your side especially in the second and third
trimester. Place a pillow between your knees and another one under your bump to
maintain a neutral spine. Also ensure you have a neutral neck or cervical spine
position with an appropriate number of pillows under your head that is right
and comfortable for you.
It is also important to wear a supportive bra and to ensure
that it is not underwired. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes without a heel,
to prevent and relieve back pain, by keeping the spine in a more neutral position.
Now the bit you probably won’t want me to say but I have written
a lot about it the last two blogs, is exercise such as walking or swimming.
This will keep your back muscles strong and help relieve discomfort. A few
simple stretching and strengthening exercises can also make a big difference.
If you suffer from any type of back pain during pregnancy
and would like to book an appointment, please contact me on 0544485086 or by
email to I can arrange to see you in Bishvilaych Women's Comprehensive Medical
Centre in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem or a home visit if you live in Gush