I have written a number of
blogs now on the pelvic floor area. Many of you might be asking
yourselves whether it is this really that important, or thinking
“this may apply to others but I am fine now and therefore I do not
need to do my pelvic floor exercises”. However, yes this does apply
to you; even if you suffer no problems at the moment, it can prevent
future problems, so start exercising today. I have made a pelvic
floor questionnaire that will help you determine whether you are a
high risk or lower risk for future problems developing. If you find
yourself in the higher risk category, which applies if you answer yes
to any of the following questions, then you might find it worthwhile
spending a session with a physio to ensure you are doing the
exercises correctly. So here we go.
1. Do you suffer with your
waterworks i.e. do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze or do
exercise (stress urinary incontinence) or get a desperate urge to go
and not make it to the toilet in time (urge incontinence)?
Up to 1 in 3 women will leak
urine during their lifetime. Women under the age of 50-55 tend to
suffer from stress urinary incontinence while post menopausal women
tend to suffer from urge incontinence. However you can suffer from
both regardless of your age.
2. Do you have a pelvic
organ prolapse? (a bladder prolapse, cystocele, uterine prolapse, the
womb, or bowel, rectocele, or a combination of any of these.)
1 in 2 women will develop a
pelvic organ prolapse and women with a prolapse are 3 times more
likely to suffer from urinary incontinence.
3. Have you had a normal
vaginal delivery?
10% of women will have
damage to their pelvic floor muscles after a vaginal delivery. After
a normal vaginal delivery you are at double the risk of developing a
prolapse. The risk increase if you have a big baby (over 4kg) or
4. Did you have an
instrumental delivery, either ventouse or forceps?
25% of women whose babies
are delivered by ventouse will sustain pelvic floor damage, 65% for
5. Did you have a prolonged
second stage of labour?
This is associated with
neuromuscular damage to the pelvic floor.
you are suffering from incontinence or not sure if you are doing your
pelvic floor exercises correctly and would like to book an
appointment, please contact me on 0544485086 or by email to
tamaramay.physio@gmail.com. I can arrange to see you in Bishvilaych
Women's Comprehensive Medical Centre
Givat Shaul, Jerusalem or a home visit if you live in Gush Etzion.