Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Aerobic Exercise During Preganancy

As well as exercises to strengthen specific areas of the body, raising your heartbeat and working up a sweat is also very important during pregnancy and highly recommended. It will help strengthen your heart and lungs as well as maintain muscle tone. Now most sports are suitable if you are pregnant (for those of you that were already doing a sport), but what about the couch potatoes? I do not advise couch potatoes to start training for a marathon while pregnant but on the other hand I would not advise to continue being a couch potato all through your pregnancy, as long as there are no complications and you have not been advised to be on bed rest. I am therefore going to mention each sport specifically, as to what the correct advice should be, as it is important to pick a sport that you enjoy. 

Dance routines and aerobic exercise is safe to continue as normal if you are experienced, although you may want to tone down the intensity level and make sure you do not exert yourself to the point of exhaustion, which could deprive your body of oxygen. However if you are a beginner I would advise low impact dance or aerobics, or even water aerobics. 

Swimming and exercise in water is great. In water you weigh just a tenth of what you are out of the water. It is gentle on your joints but also allows you to boost your strength and flexibility. 

Gym machines such as step, rowing and treadmills are also great to use during pregnancy, including beginners. You can adjust speed, inclines and tensions to a level of comfort for you starting slowly if you are a beginner. Make sure you stretch beforehand and take it slowly. During the 3rd trimester it is best to avoid jumping and fast running and be very careful to avoid falling over.

Jogging for the experienced runner is also fine and during pregnancy you can stick to it but you may want to consider limiting your distances and sticking to a more level terrain (or use a treadmill). If you were not a runner before pregnancy I would suggest you stick to walking for now. Bear in mind that loose ligaments and joints during pregnancy can make running harder on the knees and also make you more prone to injury, so make sure you do not over do it. 

Kick boxing during pregnancy, now it takes a great deal of grace and speed, 2 things that are reduced during pregnancy. You may find you are not able to kick as high or move as quickly but if you are still comfortable getting exercise from kickboxing and you are not a novice it is fine to continue. Be careful to avoid movements that you have difficulty in doing or that cause you to strain, and remember not to over do it. 

Outdoor sports such as cycling, skating, hiking and skiing are not to be taken up as your new sport especially as they test your balance but again if you are experienced (except skiing) in this area and are comfortable to continue it is fine. However high altitudes, slippery conditions (skiing) and rock climbing are not advisable. Be careful about safety; don't cycle in wet conditions, or windy and rocky paths and always wear a helmet. With skating as you get bigger your balance will become more challenging and then it is time to hang to your skates up for a while. Skiing is too dangerous as there is high risk of serious injuries, even if you are in the Olympics. 

Last but definitely not least I will mention walking, which is great for everyone anywhere and everywhere. Start slow and build up to a brisk walk.

With all this exercise don't forget to drink, drink and drink some more, especially in the hot weather. 

If you are suffering from any pain and would like to book an appointment, please contact me on 0544485086 or by email to I can arrange to see you privately or through Leumit in Bishvilaych Women's Comprehensive Medical Centre in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem or a home visit if you live in Gush Etzion.