As mentioned on previous blogs the pelvic floor muscles help support your bladder bowel and uterus, which is why they are the muscles we strengthen and exercise when having incontinence problems. The pelvic floor muscle also help to make up the core muscles of one's body. They are the foundations that help stabilise the pelvis, along with the deep muscles of the back and abdomen. This is why with prolapse one can experience back pain or abdomen pain. This is also the reason to integrate core stability exercises into your daily work out routine as well as your specific pelvic floor contraction exercises.
A good exercise to start with is lying down on your back with your knees bent in a sit up position (do not do sit- ups) and raise your bottom off the floor and hold for 2-3 seconds before lowering (not flopping) back to the ground.

When you have mastered that exercise it is time to start progressing your exercises. Only start progressing your exercises when you are ready. It is much better to do fewer exercises correctly and exercise the muscles you intend than to exercise lots and wobble all over the place because you are incorporating all other muscle groups that are not suppose to be working in order to perform the activity.
The next good exercise to do is still in the the sit up position, one leg at a time move forward 10 cm and bring back to starting position.

When you can do this easily raise one leg in the air so the hip is at 90 degrees and straighten the leg in the air and lower to the floor slowly, then switch legs and do the same.

Then move onto both hips at 90 degrees, lowering 1 leg to the floor and then switching.

The both hips at 90 degrees again and 1 at a time straightening the knee while lowering to the ground.

When you can do all these exercises without wobbling around while lying on your back still keeping both your legs straight raise and lower in a controlled manner.

If you are suffering from pelvic floor problems and would like to book an appointment, please contact me on 0544485086 or by email to I can arrange to see you privately or through Leumit in Bishvilaych Women's Comprehensive Medical Centre in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem or a home visit if you live in Gush Etzion.
Nyc pics and blog about Women's Health Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy can offer valuable benefits in chronic health conditions that are predominantly seen in women like Osteoporosis, menstrual pains, and spasm, neck and back pains, etc.
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