Sunday, 20 July 2014

When Massage Could Help Relieve Your Pregnancy Pain

Pregnancy is an exciting time period in one's life. However it can also be an extremely daunting time and high stress levels don't do you any favours. With rockets flying it is good to do everything you can to keep as calm and healthy as possible.

The body undergoes some big changes during pregnancy, including postural changes, change in hormone imbalance, weight gain, enlarged breasts, increased plasma and blood volume and the shifting of some of your organs. As a result of these changes many women suffer from pregnancy aches and pains.

Now some of these pains need addressing by a doctor or physiotherapist as they are beyond the realms of normal but some are completely normal and don't need addressing by a medical professional. So what do I advise to those patients that don't fit into the category of medical help but who are uncomfortable and want to do something about it? Firstly I suggest exercise, which has many benefits; if you are unsure what is safe you can read previous blogs or get in touch with a physiotherapist.

I also suggest pregnancy massage by a qualified professional. This is a safe, drug-free relaxing way to reduce and relieve the common discomforts that one can experience. It can improve not only your own physical and mental well being but also your baby's.

Back pain and sciatica are very common in pregnancy. As the posture of one's body changes during pregnancy so so does the centre of gravity, which in turn effects the musculoskeletal system. As the muscles adapt to the new posture they can compress the sciatic nerve, which in turn causes radiating pain from the lower back down to the leg. Massage loosens those muscles and releases the pressure on the nerve. It can also help increase range of motion and elasticity in the joints and muscles.

As the muscles begin to work harder due to the increased weight gain, there is an increase in the production of toxins that literally stick the individual muscle fibres together, which then aggravates nerve endings and causes pain. Massage releases that pain by breaking down the adhesion, releasing trigger points and pushing circulation into the area to increase oxygen and to stimulate the removal of toxins.

Let's move onto leg cramps. Although the reason is not known there are theories that the extra load on the leg muscles may well be a factor. Low levels of minerals and the lack of blood flow through the muscles during prolonged siting or lying could be a cause. As well as eating bananas, massage can also help by again stimulating blood flow and stretching the muscles

Muscle balance can be caused by the quick postural changes and sudden increase in breast size and are often the main cause of sudden upper back pain. Headaches are often caused by the surge of hormones along with an increase in the blood volume circulating the body. Massage relieves the muscle tension and stretches the shortened muscles in the head, neck and shoulders.

Massage can also reduce stress levels which reduces anxiety, improves mood and can increase sleep, which is very important to do before the baby comes and keeps you up at night.

The weight gain and increase in plasma and blood volume increase pressure on the hip, knee and ankle joints. Swelling is often caused by the decreased circulation and increased pressure on blood vessels. Massage helps stimulate soft tissue to reduce the collection of fluids in swollen joints, which also improves the removal of waste products carried by the lymph system. So massage can help flow of blood to the legs to reduce the chances of swelling, varicose veins and blood clots.

With all that being said it is important to determine whether your aches and pains are within normal range and therefore a massage will help or whether to go to a physiotherapist for a more long term treatment to treat the cause of a problem (with the option of a massage on the side). It is also best to discuss the options first with your doctor and if you still not sure what is the best treatment to call a physiotherapist to determine the most appropriate cause of treatment.

If you are suffering from pain during your pregnancy and would like to book an appointment, please contact me on 0544485086 or by email to I can arrange to see you privately or through Leumit in Bishvilaych Women's Comprehensive Medical Centre in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem or a home visit if you live in Gush Etzion.

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