Monday, 15 December 2014

Pain, Exercise and Pregnancy

I have written previously about how the benefits of exercise and how it can prevent pain. I have also written about listening to your body after birth to judge when it is time to restart exercise. Today I am going to discuss already being in pain but still starting to exercise.

Pain in pregnancy is often caused by the pure fact that your body has changed shaped quickly due to the growing bump and your muscles have not kept up to date with this change and are shortened and lengthened into a non-optimal position for the muscle to work functionally and support and hold up your body in a pain-free way. 

As your bump gets bigger it is pulled forward. Now, just as your biceps and triceps work together, as one lengthens, the other one shortens and vice versa, so too this is true with your back and stomach muscles. In pregnancy as the tummy is pulled forward these muscles shorten and the back muscles lengthen. They are not strong in this position as they are not used to supporting your body in this position and this is what causes pain. 

Now, as the pain is caused by weak muscles, even though you are in pain it is still a good idea to exercise and yes to even restart exercising. But it does need to be specific to the root of the problem; I am not suggesting you start taking up training for a marathon.

In this case I suggest - especially if you are more of a couch potato and have not really done any cardiac work out recently - regular walking, as this is not too strenuous but will start training your heart to become fitter. I also suggest some gentle back and stomach exercises to strengthen the muscles that are giving you the pain. Tucking your bottom and stomach in at the same time (posterior pelvic tilt) is always the best one to start with, and just gently repeat this action. Lying down with your knees bent and gently moving them from side to side is another great one that will gently stretch the side of your back. Another favourite is putting yourself in the all fours position and gently raising and lower your back.

If you are suffering from pregnancy-related pain and would like to book an appointment, please contact me on 0544485086 or by email to I can arrange to see you privately or through Leumit in Bishvilaych Women's Comprehensive Medical Centre in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem or a home visit if you live in Gush Etzion.

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